Here, you can find all the details you need to know about what I have to offer. More detailed descriptions and prices are available in each tab. Thank you for your time!

Prices last updated: December 18th, 2022

Commission Tiers

Each image set is clickable to view their respective HD versions
Please note that the commissioned image will be more reflective of the current point in time. Some of the tiers are experimental since each time there's always something new that's learned. They may also rotate in and out from time to time, based on availability. Thanks for understanding!


1 Character
Artistic Freedom
Thumbnail to Sketch with flats quality+
May reach cell / soft cell stage
Streamed on

Tier Description

Estimated completion time: Same day

This tier will be streamed on It’s full artistic freedom, 1 character only. A set of thumbnails gets figured out first, then the timer starts as soon as a pose has been selected to refine. Depending on the time, there may be features like cell shading or soft cell, and might be more than two hours if I deem the image less complete than it should be.

The last 6 images are examples of exploration to find a suitable pose.


1 Character
Artistic Freedom
Experimental/Style Exploration
Chance for more anatomy study
Potential for finding new things to offer
Varying ranges of finish from half painted, inked B+W, etc
May reach a different form of full color depending on what is explored during any given slot

Tier Description

Estimated completion time: <a week

This image style allows me free reign to explore different things like wildly varying color schemes, line styles, environment exploration, exaggerated anatomy, applying new techniques, and whichever else that may become offered/discovered down the line. It helps me grow as an artist, and you get to be part of that experimental process!


$175 Extra character/s [Max 2]
$45 Extra cutouts [Max 2]
1-2 thumbnails
1 rough pass, 1 line pass + drop shadow
Simple flat color/shapes for bg, or b+w line bg

From here on in, extra cutouts are available where there are asterisks.

Tier Description

Estimated completion time: <a week

My process involves doing 1-2 thumbnails to figure things out, then do a rough sketch pass, then a refined lines pass to set the line widths and prepare the image for proper inking in the tier above. This tier gives you that stage. It’s also to prevent me from adding any extra detail/corrections of specific anatomical areas before committing to those lines.


1 Character (Subject to change)
Slight shift to bluer colors
Lots of bubbles, tentacles, and cum / cum inflation for your viewing pleasure

Tier Description

Estimated completion time: <1-2 weeks

This tier started off as an experiment since I haven’t really done much tentacle porn stuff. It turned out great, and am hoping to test this tier out as a full color styled image.

There may be dynamic angles


$230 Extra character/s [Max 4]
$45 Extra cutouts [Max 2]
1-2 thumbnails
1 rough pass, 1 line pass + detailed cel shading


$45-80 simple/blurred background (varies)

Tier Description

Estimated completion time: <a week

This tier features a hard cel shading style similar to anime, and accents forms. Maximum amount of characters in this tier is raised to 4. Dynamic lighting angles also emphasize parts of your characters. I do a couple of thumbnails, refine the line width and anatomy more. Finally, adding appealing shadow colors where possible.


$270 Extra character/s [Max 6]
$45 Extra cutouts* [Max 3]
$50 Lots o’ cum / Floating candy gore / Ghost hands / Floating dicks


$70 Simple BG (Full color, 2 line passes, some shading)
$100 Complex BG (Full color, 3 line passes, gradients, semi painted)

Tier Description

Estimated completion time: 1-2 weeks

This tier is one of the longer ones to do. It features complex (or simple) lined backgrounds, a soft cell with alterations to the cel shade colors, multiple light sources / reflected light /  shine, and the most attention to detail I can muster just below Hybrid Cel-Painted. Offering cum edits, candy gore / ghost hands, and a lot of dicks should you choose to go that way. Dialogue is short and sweet if any.


$310 Extra character/s [Max 2-3]
Best current high detail linework
Multiple stages:
2-3 Thumbnails, goes from cel shade to painted


Flat/blurred backgrounds
(due to angling, or if it’s too close of a shot are free)

$140+- depending on complexity
(Full color, several line and ink passes, gradients, painted, blurred elements)

Tier Description

Estimated completion time: ~2-3 weeks

This tier takes the longest to do. A lot of forward planning with compositions, detailed background architecture, textures and lighting. The image starts with 2-3 thumbnails, gets turned into a cel shaded picture, then gets rendered to the best of my current ability, including fluids. Extra rim-lighting elements etc.

Currently unavailable.

Tier Description

Keep an eye out on this space.


Starts with 2 characters interacting with each other as the main focus
$120 Extra half body [Max 4-6]
$155 Extra (different) character [Max 4-7]
$45 Extra cutouts* [Max 3]
$50 Extra cum / Candy gore / ghost hands / floating cocks
Themeable [Kinks, Valentines, Birthday, x-mas, Halloween, etc]
Hybrid Cel-Painted style
$70 Simple BG (Full color, 2 line pass, some shading)
$140 Complex BG (Full color, 3 pass lined, gradients, semi painted)
If you have gills, you can request cum leaking from them at no cost
Dialogue doesn’t have to exist, but if it does; it’s short

Tier Description

Estimated completion time: 2 weeks to a month+ varying

This is the other big one.

Let’s go crazy. If you wanted to get a picture of you and your friends having fun in a themed environment, or show a gangbang / orgy / group play / partnerswap scenario, this one is for you. It features several thumbnails to get the poses that show off your characters in the best way possible, then sketch passes, line and anatomy passes, then straight into Hybrid Cel-painted.

Currently Unavailable.


$600 base includes:

Full color, with my best current high detail linework
Base info sheet (Age, H, W, Species, etc)
Front and Back views with your chosen markings
Clean color palette management with descriptions
4 shot head turnaround
1 eye and genitalia panel
2 expressions/hairstyles
All with descriptions and both SFW/NSFW versions

Prices can go up to $1000 based on how many extra details want to be added:
$40 Extra hairstyles/expressions
$50 Detailed breakdown of limb/body marking wrap arounds
$60 Mouth/Maw/Tongue panels
$100-150 Full color Shaded costume design (complexity dependent)
Complexity fees may apply

Tier Description

Estimated completion time: ~2 weeks

So, I heard you wanted to make a fursona. Let’s make one together! we can take current images of your fursona and put together a reference sheet. If you already have pictures but no ref, or want to update your current reference sheet, This option is for you.

Example: Refsheet quality is at 6kx3k

It's "just" a Refsheet?.. Right?

No, it’s really not.

Choosing to make a character that you may already have art of, or one that you have in your mind that you hold dearly, that you want to see realised in digital form as a clear, clean, elaborate refsheet.

Trusting me to work with you at a high standard to represent your character on that refsheet may be something you might want. Not everyone may want that, but if you do, I’ll do my best to make sure I can cater to your wants and needs.

I’m of the opinion that if you’re ordering a refsheet, it should last a very long time.

Why is this so expensive?



  • These refsheets will take upwards of 48 to 70+ hours to complete. The current refsheet on display took 70 hours total.
  • Each refsheet is tailored to the client’s needs, some may want more detailed explanations on marking choices, accessory and clothing specifics, etc.
  • Designing a character from scratch can take a lot of time, being familiar with anatomy, posing, species, color combinations that work, and more that isn’t normally explicitly said out loud, but taken into great consideration to make things work as smooth as possible.
  • Designing a costume from scratch can take a lot of time, too.
  • High detail linework takes a lot of time and effort to stay “in the zone” on. Particularly doing several anatomy passes during sketch and final line stages for a huge resolution image can take several hours of focus.
  • Formatting the refsheet to cleanly, and clearly display all the client’s relevant info without creating a jarring refsheet to look at is a high priority. Making sure each part created, each description, etc, has room to breathe.
  • Flatting several unique parts also takes a lot of time.
  • Keeping a consistent set of proportions throughout can be challenging, but possible, given enough patience.
  • Pricing is relative to the amount of time needed to complete this amount of work, and I try to hold a high standard of linework wherever possible.
  • The working resolution is 6kx3k in order to fit every possible detail and description.


Offered once every 2-3 months
1-2 characters
1-2 days full working time
Panels also available
I draw your characters all day, any image format within the time allotted
(check Tier Description)

Tier Description

Estimated completion time: 1-2 working days max

First of all, holy crap. Thank you, if you even consider ordering this.

I’ll spend the next 10-24 or however many hours over one to two days to solely dedicate into drawing your character/s at my highest possible quality. Anything is on the table; from multiple sketches, cel/soft shaded, full painted images, multi character Pent Up sketch pictures and panels, style experiments, whatever you like that’s within the time constraint (within reason, gotta eat and stuff in between, too). We can also have a private discord stream while I draw all that art with your/our characters in it.

Basically, I’m yours all day ;3

Extra Info

Each commission is not a (FCFS) first come first serve basis, thanks for understanding!

The asterisk shows what tiers offer extra panels

*Extra cutouts refer to, but are not exclusive to: Close ups, foreground characters, internal cumshots and X-rays, prostate bump, deepthroat, creampie, tentacles, goo, etc.

Each tier usually will involve an your idea, an idea together, or artistic freedom.

Complex characters + Markings / Wings / Extra Limbs / Armor / Complex clothing will cost a little more. Please message me on Twitter for more details and pricing related questions.

I WILL draw:

Anything that’s in the tabbed previews above
Penis havers (Sorry, I’m working on it ;u;)
Lots of cum
Somewhat large dicks
Cum inflation / Tummy bulges
Prostate shots
Cum in gills
Complex Clothing
(see extra info)
Complex markings
(See extra info)
Complex characters (See extra info)
Complex Architecture (to an extent)

I will NOT draw:

“super out there” fetishes (Please ask beforehand as this is case-by-case. The more “out there”, the more expensive it will be to get me to draw those things. Chances are, if you’ve seen them in previous images, I will draw them with no extra fee, unless it makes me -that- uncomfortable.)
Underaged characters
Aged up characters
Baby fur
(Still deciding on this one)
Excessive gore
(Light candy gore is OK)