Who we are

Our website address is: https://nwtdraws.com.

What personal data we collect

None whatsoever.There is no way of creating an account as it is disabled and hidden from public view, therefore there is no way of storing personal data. This site is only designed to show what commission info there is that NimbusWhitetail/nwtdraws/RioXVII has to offer. All other communications/transactions/form submission are handled through Twitter/Telegram/Paypal and GoogleForms respectively. Their privacy policy covers their user data from any form of breach. The only time a user’s information is displayed is when adding their credits to their characters in the commissions I drew myself and send to them. The only thing that is stored in this site is my prices, images that I myself created, my Terms of Service, and my own contact information. All of my contact info is open to the public to see as it is a means of contacting me.

Who we share your data with

No one. See above.

How long we retain your data

No one. See above.

Where we send your data

No one. See above.